5 Suggestions for a Higher Google Rating (search engine optimisation) - Capitalizing on Content material: Ep 8

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5 Suggestions for a Higher Google Rating (search engine optimisation) – Capitalizing on Content material: Ep 8


Here are 5 Tips to improving how you rank on Google. SEO or search engine optimization is very important for getting business from the internet and getting traffic to your website.

Tip 1: Claim your Google My Business Listing
Tip 2: Make sure your Name, Address and Phone number are consistent across directories and social media platforms. This is known as NAB.
Tip 3: Blog about your services or products
Tip 4: Make sure your website is mobile friendly
Tip 5: Register with Google Search Console, formerly Google Webmaster Tools

Google My Business: https://www.google.com/business/

Mobile Friendly Test: https://search.google.com/search-console/mobile-friendly

Google Search Console: https://www.google.com/webmasters/tools/home?hl=en

Subscribe here: https://www.youtube.com/symbolsyn?sub_confirmation=1

Capitalizing on Content is a web series focusing on things new entrepreneurs and business owners might not know about online marketing, media production and using social media. We are going to have topics ranging from how to get clients as a creative to how to get your own amazing looking website at a low cost. Online marketing and video is the way of the future and businesses still advertising on bus benches are starting to struggle. More and more of people’s attention is spent on their phones on social media and email and less and less in real life. This means marketers need to buy a chunk of this attention and social media is one of the best ways to do that. Be sure to follow along as we give you tips to help your business build and online presence and reach your ideal clients.

Symbol Syndication can provide services to improve your SEO or Search Engine Optimization. Contact us to learn more about this service: http://www.symbolsyndication.com/contact/

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