A Fast Approach To Enhance Search Engine Rating On A Weblog Put up

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A Fast Approach To Enhance Search Engine Rating On A Weblog Put up



Want to quickly increase search engine ranking on an existing blog post? Here’s a pure “white hat” method that shouldn’t take more than about 15 minutes…

Here’s how…

You’ll need a blog… and an older post…

Pick one that’s been getting good traffic and conversions for you already…

And what we’re going to do is give it a quick makeover to refresh it and see if we can get even better traffic and conversions…

It shouldn’t take more than about 10-15 minutes to increase your search engine ranking as well as boosting conversions from that post.

In this example, starting with Google Analytics, you find a post that’s had good traffic metrics.


If your experience is anything like mine, sometimes when you go back and look at stuff you created a few years ago, you wince…

“Sheesh, did I really do that???”

Which is probably a good thing because it means you’re getting better at it…

It just means you now have a chance to go back and fix stuff that’s obviously not working…

And remember, Google loves fresh content.

So refreshing the page gives you a chance to get more traffic.

Not only that, you’ll be making the page more user-friendly… And translates into clicks and sales.

Again, going back this example, the blog post is a case study showing several steps in a marketing funnel…

The first thing we did is add in sub-heads.

Search engines love that, and it really does make it easier for your visitor to quickly decipher what the post is all about.

If your site is built in WordPress, you can use an SEO plugin to point out elements of your post that can be optimized.

I’m using a plugin called Yoast in this case. There are other SEO plugins for WordPress as well.

It doesn’t really matter which platform your site is built on, you just need to find an app that tells you where your on-page SEO could be better.

It’s also more likely to get you better conversions because the page will be more user friendly.

One measure you’ll want to check is “readability”.

In this case, Yoast indicated the page would be more search engine and user friendly if it had sub-heads…

It also hinted that including the target search term, “marketing funnel” in one or more of the sub-heads would improve the post.

Another thing to check is your image alt text.

Alt text gives you a great opportunity to optimize your page.

It’s cool because you can plug in your target search term without having to fit it into your content.

Then another thing we did on this post is added a “Johnson Box”.

You can easily find the code for it online.

It gives you a place to insert an ad that fits into the context of the post.

And, of course, assuming you own the blog, it’s virtually free advertising — And, if done right, very effective advertising at that!

So, as you can see, whether you do this yourself, have someone on your team do it, or outsource it, this tactic can give you a quick boost in traffic and conversions, leading to a bigger customer base and more sales.

It’s quick, effective and free.

You’ll love it — Good for your visitors, good for sales and good for business.

I hope it gives you great results and would love to hear about them, or any questions you may have in the comment box below.

Deploy and Enjoy! 🙂
