Enhance the Search utilizing Apache Solr | Edureka

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Enhance the Search utilizing Apache Solr | Edureka


Watch Sample Recording : http://www.edureka.co/apache-solr?utm_source=youtube&utm_medium=webinar&utm_campaign=solr-23-04-15

Apache Solr based on the Lucene Library, is an open-source enterprise Grade search engine and platform used to provide fast and scalable search features.
Solr, which stands for “Search on Lucene and Resine” was created in 2004 by Yonik Seeley. Its major features include full-text search, hit highlighting,
faceted search, dynamic clustering, database integration and rich document (example: Word, PDF) handling. Solr primarily written in Java runs as a standalone
full-text search seer within a servlet container along with using the Lucene Java Search Library.

The Topics covered in the webinar are:

1. Need for Search Engines
2. What is Lucene
3. Indexing Flow
4. Lucene :Writing to Index
5. Lucene : Searching in Index
6. Lucene : Inverted Indexing Technique
7. Lucene :Storage Schema
8. Analyzers
9. Querying : Key Types/ Classes
10. Scoring : Score Boosting
11. Key Features
12. Introduction to Solr
13. History of Solr
14. Solr : Key Features
15. Solr Architecture
16. Solr : Schema Hierarchy
17. Solr : Core
18. Solr Features
19. Configuring Solr Instances/ Cores
20. Job Trends for Apache Solr

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