FGV MLM tips--Backlink constructing methods in MLM | Seattle, WA

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FGV MLM tips–Backlink constructing methods in MLM | Seattle, WA


Internet marketing training: http://www.MarcoAbanico.com
Future Global Vision (ID #1604): http://www.myfgv.biz/1604
Organo Gold: http://marcoabanico.myorganogold.com
Predatory SEO training: http://marcoabanico.predatoryseo.com
URL: http://inboundmlmsuccess.com/blog/3309/backlink-building-strategies-in-network-marketing
E-mail: [email protected]
Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/marco.abanico
Phone: 513-442-0239

The heart and soul of your efforts in off-page search engine optimization or SEO is backlink building, since Google is centered on page rank, and the objective of link building is to make your website more relevant as possible. However, backlink building is not always a numbers game. Backlinks also should have quality, and that’s what you should be targetting.

There are scam advertisements that say that they will provide you ten thousand back links for x amount of dollars. The problem with that is that they are junk links, and your website just might end up being banned or deindexed in Google. For you to rank high in the search engines, you have to conduct advanced backlink building.

Creating one way backlinks is now the best way to achieve relevancy. Reciprocal links are not longer favorable these days since reciprocal linking promotes a mutual gain. Google favors promotions that are one sided. What that means is that particular site promoted you not because they will get something in return but because they believe in your services or product, and you are worthy to be promoted.

Search engine positioning is vital to any network marketing business since we live in the age of the internet. Soon enough almost everything will be done online so it is a must for you be one step ahead of your competitors for your specific niche. Conducting backlink building takes time and effort, but it is all worth it.

Traditional backlink building includes multiple submissions to article directories, social media, blogs, forums, video directories, and many more. What you need to consider is the page rank of the website that you will be using. The higher the page rank, the higher the score it will give you. Not only do these methods bring you SEO link juice, they themselves can bring you instant traffic. It is always best to keep your content interesting and updated so readers will be motivated to get more information from you by visiting your website.

Combined with the traditional process is the utilization of social media. Hundreds of millions of users are on social networking sites such as Facebook and micro blogs such as Twitter. It is becoming a new and effective avenue in building lists, customer retention, and eventually branding.

Most of us are not into reading books, and videos fail to keep anyone’s attention for more than 4 minutes. If you can keep your videos less than 4 minutes long, video sharing sites are a great way to build one-way backlinks. Videos also command a high impact in the search engines, and they can be indexed faster compared to any other types of backlink building.

Marco Abanico is an internet network marketer who passionately helps his downline distributors to get prospects for their businesses. He services downline members from Seattle, Vancouver, Tacoma, Spokane, Bellevue, Everett, Washington (WA), and anywhere in the nation you can think of.
