On Web page search engine marketing - 9 Actionable Strategies That Work

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On Web page search engine marketing – 9 Actionable Strategies That Work


Today you’re going to learn 9 of my favorite on-page SEO strategies.

I probably don’t need to tell you that on-page SEO has changed a lot over the last few years. Today, Google is VERY sophisticated about how they evaluate a page’s content…which means that old school keyword optimization doesn’t work as well as it used to.

Fortunately, there are still a bunch of techniques that you can use to rank high in Google. I cover all 9 of them in this video.

Our first factor is to use short URLs. Industry studies show that pages with short URLs may have a slight edge in Google’s search results. You also want to include your keyword in your URLs.

Next up, we have LSI keywords. These help Google understand the context of your page’s content.

You also want to publish long content on your blog. Why? Longer content tends to rank better in Google.

Don’t forget to optimize your title tag for CTR. In the video I show you two strategies that can help boost your click-through-rate.

Also, add a few external links in each article. I reveal a study in this video that shows why external links are important. Don’t forget about internal linking. This is also important.

Our second-to-last tip is to optimize your page (and website) for sitespeed. This is one of the few ranking factors that Google has confirmed that they use.

Finally, include multimedia in your content. I’ve found that this helps boost user engagement –something that search engines directly measure.

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