What's search engine optimisation? How are you going to Enhance your search engine optimisation? Genius Advertising

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In a fast-paced, dynamic field such as SEO, it is crucial to stay well-informed. Even seasoned SEO experts understand the need to keep on learning lest they become obsolete. Emerging trends. Algorithmic changes. Technological advancements. These are some of the few things every SEO professional should be watching out for. But if you haven’t been keeping an eye on these for whatever reason, don’t worry. We’ve got your covered.

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What’s search engine optimisation? How are you going to Enhance your search engine optimisation? Genius Advertising


Genius Marketing | Digital Advertising Agency FOR MORE ABOUT SEO www.a1genius.com/seo

Let’s talk about SEO,

What do you do when you are looking for something on the internet? You search for it ! rigth!?! And then you click on one of the links on the first page of the search results.

In fact, more than 90% of visitors will behave exactly the same way. Ever wonder how those web pages on the top of the search results got there? It’s because they are Search Engine Optimized.

Exactly how Search Engines work is a closely guarded secret, but the main principles are known; They are based on 2 main factors:

Keywords & Links

Let’s focus on keywords first, your chances for better rankings grow when your website contains the same word that are being searched. Keywords are especially effective when they are found in the web site Title, Address or Headings. But be careful, Quality over Quantity should be your rule of thumbs. Some so called search engine experts try to fool the results with some ridiculous keywords occurrence, instead of focusing on Quality content first.

And what about the links?

Websites that link to yours basically tell the search engines that you have good content on the website. But again, Quality over quantity.

Links from irrelevant sites won’t help you get a better rank.

Now, what we have just talked about, provides a basic introduction to SEO, in reality, it’s not a simple task, you will definitely need someone to help you with it.

Someone like us! we’ll develop a custom SEO strategy specifically for your brand.

Identify the right keywords

Write friendly site codes, and figure out the best linking tactics. But most importantly, we’ll help you figure out the best content for your visitors and, search engines as well.

So do not hesitate to contact us Today

FOR MORE ABOUT SEO www.a1genius.com/seo

We are a highly Creative & Effective [ Digital ] Advertising Agency based in Montreal, Canada with Associate offices in Paris and Johannesburg.

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