How you can Use Pinterest for search engine optimization on Google | Rank your Pin #1 in Google SERP and Get Extra Site visitors!!!

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How you can Use Pinterest for search engine optimization on Google | Rank your Pin #1 in Google SERP and Get Extra Site visitors!!!


How to Use Pinterest for SEO on Google โ€“ learn how to use Pinterest to increase SEO performance in Google search results and drive free traffic to your website.




How to Get More Clicks from Pinterest (Improve CTR of your Pins)

Research by CognitiveSEO mentioned in the video:

Can Pinterest help you get better rankings in Google search results? Oh yes, it can!

First, itโ€™s the fact that every pin that you save from your site, is essentially a link to your site, right? And we could even call it backlinks to your site. And if you know a little about Google SEO, you know that links from other sources can increase your siteโ€™s authority.

However, itโ€™s also a fact that links from most social media platforms and even from a lot of forums, cannot pass the link juice because they are the so-called nofollow links. Just like on Twitter and Facebook, Pinterest backlinks are nofollowed.
Then why in the world I even mentioned links from Pinterest as an advantage? Well, there is another thing that any Google SEO specialist knows about. Itโ€™s the fact that Pinterest links are sending you referral traffic. So, when you get visitors from Pinterest, itโ€™s not only great for your ad income as it is, itโ€™s also an additional positive factor helping with your rankings on Google.

Instead pure speculation, I want to show you a research made by ConginitiveSEO, itโ€™s a company that builds various tools for SEO professionals and agencies. And they found a correlation between high traffic and better SEO performance. The more traffic you can generate from sites like Pinterest, the more likely youโ€™ll be able to increase your organic search position.

Obviously, to make Pinterest useful, you need to get a lot of traffic from Pinterest to your website. And in this you can count on all my tips I shared on this channel. First and foremost, I would recommend you to check out the video about increasing click-through rates for your pins. A common problem beginners have on Pinterest is that they get some impressions and saves but not enough clicks, meaning traffic to their sites.
I will give you a link to another video that will help you solve this problem. The link will be in the info icon in the top right corner and also in the description below this video.
You also have to work on Pinterest SEO meaning optimizing your pins for Pinterest to get more traffic to your site passing through your pins. My signature course Pinterest SEO Traffic Secrets is all about it. If you want to master Pinterest SEO, Iโ€™ll give you a link to the course in the info icon and below this video.

All what I told you so far was related to this backlinks and referral traffic factor that can improve your positions in Google indirectly.

But there is another very important way you can get more traffic from Google through your pins. Itโ€™s by ranking your pins in Google! Yes, you heard me right!

Unlike with other social media, Google has surprisingly great relationship with Pinterest, I really have doubts youโ€™ve seen a lot of Facebook posts, even from public pages, in Google search results. But with Pinterest itโ€™s a whole different story!

Let me do a quick search on Google for a few keywords to show you what I mean.

Checking some keywords that will show Pinterest images for sure.

Isnโ€™t it surprising to see that when Google is constantly taking away more and more space in search results for showing ads and their own services, for Pinterest there is always some space and often even in TOP-10 search results!

But Pinterest and Google have one more surprise for us.

You canโ€™t imagine how many people go to Google searching for results specifically from Pinterest. And Pinterest is exactly what Google serves up in the search results.

To make a short summary of todayโ€™s video, there are at least 3 reasons why you should work on Pinterest to improve your organic traffic from Google:

1. You are getting backlinks from Pinterest which drive your referral traffic – this gives a positive signal about your page to Google and can improve your search rankings.
2. You can rank in Google Image search and sometimes even in regular search results, with your Pins, for a lot of keywords in many niches.
3. There is quite a large pull of keywords which include the word Pinterest, and for those results, Google shows a ton of results from Pinterest. You can get your pins ranked for those keywords. They often have high search volume and the competition is basically between pins and no other sites even show up for those queries.

